Thursday 17 April 2008

Punching Opposition YB alright?

It’s incredible, the guy who punched YB is one of those ‘the organisers’ of the Regatta Lepa Motorcycle Convoy?

According to the report, Jimmy was just doing his duty to meeting Tawau Municipal Council officials with regard to complaint of parking space and closure of the road, when the big man lost patient and punched him on the chest.

Jimmy Wong is Sabah sole opposition Assemblyman from Sri Tanjung DAP, that doesn’t deserve him to be punched by this man linked to a big bike convoy

Jimmy should have reported to the police for record at least.

Every citizen should respect the law it doesn’t matter who he is.

According to sms I got from Jimmy the guy is a “BN sponsored”

I look at this is very serious matter. This is not an isolated case, we come across time and time again when one is associated or close friend with one in the authority he thinks the world is belonging to him alone.

Doesn’t this guy realise punching and injuring other fellow human is an offence. We have enough law to protect us; I think enforcing authority must not close their eyes just because the event is organized by the Government.

Our society should be thought more to respect the law of the country


Anonymous said...

Another example of idiot behaviour of those who for so long thought the world only belongs to them! They did it ok, if others do it, not ok! They hold gathering without permit ok, others must get the permit. This is the level playing field they are shouting all this while to the big boys of the world but they themselves behave like the big boys within their own backyard.

Anonymous said...

We didn't get fair reporting for sure, they can do but others can't- police, army, FRU are just watching other than BN function water cannon is ready...