Sunday 19 August 2007

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka!


In Sabah we talk. We, I mean ordinary people. Ordinary means a group that lies in between two extreme ends of the poles.

We talk about the date of Malaysia's independent. For those born in 70s upward do not have the nostalgic feeling of the 60s. I am 100% sure Malaysia gained its independent was in 60s- to be precise 1963. If in doubt, anyone can take me to court to settle the argument on this issue. I am prepared to explain even at 3.00 o’clock in the morning (?)

Because of that, Malaysia is only 44 years. Not 50 years. If one says 50th National Day, may be I can take it but not 50th Malaysia National Day, even if I am going to be skinned off I still wouldn't agree. One Malaysian active blogger asked me for elaboration on this subject. I did. He said he understands it now. Another, one former YB sent me a SMS thanking me for saying it loud and clear. I appreciate you people!

States in Peninsular Malaysia gained their independent in 1957. Right.

Now what about 31st August? Nothing is wrong about the date. States in Peninsular Malaysia declared their Independent-Merdeka Day on this date. Fine.

The Malaysia Independent Day supposed to be taking place on this very date, the year was 1963, but could not do so because of unfinished business that needed to be sorted out in London- for the formation of Malaysia. It was then extended to 16th September 1963.

Also no fuss about that date in as far as Sabah and Sarawak are concerned.

There was a compromise, we therefore agreed 31st August Malaysia Day. For Sabah and Sarawak the 16th September marks as the date of their TYT’s Birthday respectively, that’s OK too.

What is not OK when facts of history are changed. Our political leaders say, Malaysia 50th Independent Day is on 31st August 1957, and Malaysia is now 50 years old. Wrong! We have to say 20 + 20 = 40, can't be anything else, this isn't that complicated. What makes matter worst even our school history text books aren't written correctly. We are cheating our kids. You and I are still kicking to witness the glamorous Malaysia Day at various Padang, we called PadangMerdeka! Yet we succumbed to explanation by dumb politicians. One Senator whispered to me over lunch recently that many of our YBs have no balls. I wanted to check his but may be this is a bit too much, so we parted with a saying-bye bye.


Anonymous said...

Haa haa Bravo you!

Anonymous said...

Continue writing, there are people reading it this blog but shy away to write until you until you make a name